time: august 26-27, 2021
venue: via Zoom
An online conference to celebrate storytelling and reading as a window on the world and as a key stimulus for learning a foreign language by means of paper presentations, workshops, lectures and storytelling.
The pre-conference event on Wednesday, August 25, is geared towards primary teachers. The academic conference with a focus on research as well as on practice in primary and secondary schools takes place on Thursday and Friday, August 26 and 27, 2021.
The conference is part of the initiative to establish subject specific networks in and across Swiss universities of teacher education.
For further information click here.
Programme for Wednesday, August 25 (pre-conference)
Programme for Thursday and Friday, August 26 -27
Registration pre-conference
Registration conference
Organising committee: Nikola Mayer, Michael Prusse, Regula Fuchs, Laura Loder-Büchel
(Quelle: Aussendung)