CfP und Tagung: Children’s Literature Across Media: Concepts and Perspectives of Transmedia Narratives


Time: 29 September to 1 October 2022
Place: Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften Bad Homburg (Frankfurt), Germany

The overall ambition of the conference is to bring together an international group of researchers from media studies, children's literature studies and book studies in order to discuss the narration, production and reception of transmedial storytelling for children and young adults. Traditionally, there has been little interaction between these fields, despite the fact that they all potentially include the (co-)production and reception of texts, media and narratives for and by children across media as well as the character of these artefacts. While children have had access to and engaged in the same narratives across several media over the centuries, digitisation, mediatisation and convergence cultures have fundamentally changed the conditions of transmedia production, storytelling and reception, especially when it comes to children and young people's opportunity to participate in, interact with and produce narratives themselves.

On this background, the Editorial Team invite proposals for papers (20 minutes) that include case studies of:

  • Worldbuilding and characters in children's texts and media
  • Participation and co-authorship
  • Transmedia products for children and young adults (for instance, literature, comic books,
  • movies, series and computer games)
  • The (book) market and convergence culture around children's texts and media

The Editorial Team ask for 300-word abstracts for 20-minute papers.

Please submit your abstracts and a 100-word bio-note by 1 February 2021 to Ute Dettmar (  and Nina Christensen (



(Quelle: Ausschreibung)