CfP: "The Biography Reframed: Historical Roots, Contemporary Trends, and Multimodal Narratives for Young Readers"


special issue of Strenae – Recherches sur les livres et objets culturels de l’enfance

This issue aims to explore the role of biography in children's literature, a theme of growing relevance in contemporary research. The editors welcome contributions that adopt historical, theoretical, or multimodal perspectives, as well as interdisciplinary approaches.

Submission Guidelines and Timeline


  • Abstract Submission Deadline: February 15, 2025
    Proposals (2,000–3,000 characters, spaces included) should be sent to, along with a list of primary and secondary sources and a short biography.

  • Notification of Acceptance: February 25, 2025

  • Full Article Submission Deadline: May 15, 2025
    Articles (30,000–40,000 characters, including spaces and notes) may be submitted in French or English. Authors writing in a language other than their mother tongue are required to have their text proofread by a native speaker.

  • For more information about the Journal: Strenæ: Recherches sur les livres et objets culturels de l’enfance is an open-access journal available on the Open Edition Journals platform. It explores topics related to children's literature and cultural objects. The journal is indexed in major academic databases like Scopus and the Emerging Sources Citation Index (Clarivate), which helps increase its visibility and recognition in the research community.

Guest-edited by Marnie Campagnaro (University of Padova) and Chiara Malpezzi (University of Padova).


(Quelle: Aussendung)